Contact Information

I may be contacted through email at or by calling me at school before or after class. 785-8711 ext.123

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Wow I did it

Hey I got my digital story up on my blog and I did it by myself I was so excited that I am remembering how to do things on my blog. Maybe all of this stuff is really sticking in my brain. I hope you all have a great week.


Angela said...

It sounds like you have been having fun! I am glad that you have the students names down. We have less students, but are still learning their names. I hope your lessons go well. We are having a blast in our class!! Good luck!

Mrs. M said...

Good Job Alene!! I still have a few that I can't remember their names!! Usually the quiet, shy ones who quietly do their work and kind of disappear~~ it has been a lesson to me to not let them disappear and make sure to notice and talk to them each day. We start our unit tomorrow ~ I'm so excited!!!

aprildawn19 said...

I am very proud that you got your digital story up! I really like it too, its way good! I am jealous that you know the students names already, I don't think that I would be able to even next week. But thanks for everything.
I was gonna ask you, since your so good, do you have any good ideas of teaching the Greek wars? I already taught them, but I think I should have done it differently. Any creative and fun ideas?
Good luck this week! Can't wait to hear about your experience!

Blogging Rules

Make sure you read the blogging rules and post an "I accept" these rules and will follow them to the class blog.