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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Only 2 days left

Wow I can't believe our field is almost over. I have had such a fabulous time. The kids have been great and so has our cooperating teacher. I am sure going to miss these kids, I can't believe how fast I have gotten attached to them. There have been many who have asked me to come back and visit them. We get to go on a field trip tomorrow. This experience has really been filled with a lot of real life teaching experiences for which I am greatful. I look forward to seeing all of you again but not really excited about the mass amount of homework that is now going to be do. Oh well I guess onward and upward. See you all next week.

1 comment:

Mrs. Salzman said...

Isn't amazing to see how fast time flies by when you're having so much fun. Angela and I went on a field trip to Timpview High and got to see a play called Bye, Bye Birdie. It was too long for our class, but the students got recess right after the play. See you soon.

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