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Thursday, February 12, 2009


We finished Narnia and it was really a great book to read as a class. I have had some of my students say to me that their parents are surprised we are reading this book in class because of the religious tones of this book, but I was glad we read this book as a class. The descriptions and writing when Narnia starts to change into spring are fabulous. Very visual writing which was enjoyable. We are learning the comprehensive strategies in Literacy and that section was great for visualization as I talked about spring and wanting spring after an endless winter. It was a perfect time to read the book in the year because we have been in winter and all of the kids have spring fever. This is a wonderful choice for a class read but I can see it could be controversial, but I am glad that we read this book as a class.

1 comment:

Teacherheart said...

The signs of having read the "right" book at the "right" time is how the teacher and students felt about the book. It's a powerful thing for students to see how much their teacher is loving the book she's reading to them... and it gives them permission to connect with a book, themselves. If you students had feels anything like those you have described, it was a GREAT choice and WONDERFUL experience for the class.

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