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Thursday, February 19, 2009

New book

Hi started the Joey Pigsa book. It has been interesting to say the least. I am not sure I would want to read this book as a read aloud because it has some pretty gross stuff in it, that actually turned my stomach. But I have got a different view of teaching from this book. It has I think made me more aware of how I react to those kids that have a tendency to drive you crazy. I am about half way through the book right now and honestly I don't know that I would have kept reading this book had it not been an assignment, but I can see that it opens my aspects and gives me more knowledge of reading and what is out there for readers. Boys would probably like the things that are gross in it and for a child who has ADHD I can see this book would be very helpful in helping the child to see they are not alone. I am curious to see how this is going to end and I will keep reading.

1 comment:

Teacherheart said...

I have yet to read that first book. I read one of the sequels, which I really enjoyed because it let the reader see how the relationships in Joey's family affect him. It was a powerful experience in broadening my perceptions about ADHD kids.

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