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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Here was something funny that I read that shows the great word choice this author uses. It is when Mibbs is trying to learn to control her Savvy and still trying to figure out what exactly it is. Here goes. Pushed back into the middof of all those chaotic, noisy voices, I tried my best to keep from becoming discombobulated, tried to figure out how to scumble those thuderous thoughts that didn't belong to me, but that was a hard thing, a thign the could take years horrible long years o this stupid savvy,--and I had no idea how to do it. I love this because I know there have been times in my life when I have had thoughts I wanted to ignore or just push out of my head. This is a great description of how I have felt when those thoughts keep returning without control. Isn't the word choice perfect to describe how ones feels when that happens. This is a fun book and I sure have enjoyed reading it.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wow the book for me has taken an unexpected turn. I love it when books do that. I am enjoying this read. Mibbs is making a friend with someone that was totally unexpected and it goes to show that some times you just never know. I so enjoy the author's word choices. She has fun with her writing which makes it very fun for the reader. She also is great at getting you right involved in the story. Even though I never got a "Savvy" or powers when I turned 13 it has taken me back to those years when you just aren't sure of who you are and what you are capable of. When you do stupid things and just have to learn through that stupidity. It has really made me think probably because I have a 13 year old daughter myself and I am glad I am reading this right now because it helps me to remember more clear how it feels to be 13, the feelings one has, the uncertainty, and the emotion. Thanks be to books that can help us relive our past and allows us to use that rememberance to help a child going through the same things. Wow I am sorry I haven't loved books more. I need to do better.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Reading Savvy
I am really enjoying this book. It has many good elements of writing. The word choice is fabulous. Here writing actually reminds me of Clementine because she often makes up words. This is a great book for girls but I think boys could enjoy it as well. I really interested in seeing what happens. This is a book that also reminds me a little bit of Harry Potter it has the same unknown powers that the kids in Harry Potter experience. I also think it might be a good read aloud book but I am only half way through and will have to see how it turns out.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Well all of the girls in my class have loved the book Savvy and told me I needed to read it so I thought it would be a good book to start so I started it yesterday. It hasn't been like I thought at all. Because of the things I have heard my girls say I thought that only the girls got their savvy but in the opening chapter it talks about the main character getting HIS savvy. So I have been surprised already. I am not much into it to make any conclusions, but hopefully will have time during my spring break to read it. I am so glad you have given us the opportunity to read some of our own choice of books. Thanks
Friday, April 3, 2009
Finished Book
Well I just finished this book and it is a great one to read to show how one can "live" history. The biggest connection for me is the one I shared in class but I will share it again because for me it was so powerful. Gustav one of the mercaries fighting the patriots has the children captive but he ends up saving the little sister from drowing and the other children are in awe that he could save someone. They realize that he is a good person. Then he is shot by the patriot soldiers and they are dumbfounded by the fact that he was a good person. The one boy is confused by this and asks Who is bad and who is good it isn't always a clear picture. Just because we are fighting someone doesn't mean they are a bad person and that is what the movies always portray that person is the enemy and an enemy has to be bad right? Well no the enemy isn't always a bad person it is often just a person that is fighting for some of the same things we are fighting for. It touched me a great deal and I think more than ever in the world today we need to show that to kids. I would so read this again in a read aloud especially in 5th grade.
Thanks for helping me "get into reading" more.
Thanks for helping me "get into reading" more.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Book I am reading
Well I have had a bit of a hard time getting back into the swing of things since my dad passed away but I am currently reading the book called George Washington's socks it is a great historical fiction. It places some modern day kids back at the crossing of the Delaware in the Revolutionary war. The information is pretty accurate and it is a good read with a lot of emotion about war. I was so sad when Isreal died I loved the way the author wrote and the emotional experience it was for Matt. I also did some research about the battle that took place after the crossing of the Delaware and there were only 4 American soldiers that were wounded and two that froze to death. I don't know if there is any record about the names of those that froze to death but I felt this book gave very accurate information. It is a great read especially for 5th grade.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
embarassing mother
I just started the embarrassing mother book. Sorry I can't remember the full title. It has been interesting so far. I haven't gotten too far into it, but I did finish Joey Pigsa. That was an interesting book for me. I can see where it would be beneficial to read especially for certain kids. Mostly it made me think twice about the way I teach more than anything.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
New book
Hi started the Joey Pigsa book. It has been interesting to say the least. I am not sure I would want to read this book as a read aloud because it has some pretty gross stuff in it, that actually turned my stomach. But I have got a different view of teaching from this book. It has I think made me more aware of how I react to those kids that have a tendency to drive you crazy. I am about half way through the book right now and honestly I don't know that I would have kept reading this book had it not been an assignment, but I can see that it opens my aspects and gives me more knowledge of reading and what is out there for readers. Boys would probably like the things that are gross in it and for a child who has ADHD I can see this book would be very helpful in helping the child to see they are not alone. I am curious to see how this is going to end and I will keep reading.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
We finished Narnia and it was really a great book to read as a class. I have had some of my students say to me that their parents are surprised we are reading this book in class because of the religious tones of this book, but I was glad we read this book as a class. The descriptions and writing when Narnia starts to change into spring are fabulous. Very visual writing which was enjoyable. We are learning the comprehensive strategies in Literacy and that section was great for visualization as I talked about spring and wanting spring after an endless winter. It was a perfect time to read the book in the year because we have been in winter and all of the kids have spring fever. This is a wonderful choice for a class read but I can see it could be controversial, but I am glad that we read this book as a class.
Monday, February 2, 2009
books I am reading
I have so enjoyed reading The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe with my students in 5th grade. It has such masterful writing. I just did a section with my students on visualization and the chapter where the witch's magic starts to break and spring starts to cover the land is amazing. He talks about the bluebells and the rivers swelling with water and the spongy grass beneath one's feet. It is a great chapter. I also really enjoy the fact that he talks to the reader throughout the book it is almost like it does it in a secretive way as to not let the characters of the book know we are watching them. It is magnificent reading and a great book for 5th grade.
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