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Monday, April 20, 2009


Wow the book for me has taken an unexpected turn. I love it when books do that. I am enjoying this read. Mibbs is making a friend with someone that was totally unexpected and it goes to show that some times you just never know. I so enjoy the author's word choices. She has fun with her writing which makes it very fun for the reader. She also is great at getting you right involved in the story. Even though I never got a "Savvy" or powers when I turned 13 it has taken me back to those years when you just aren't sure of who you are and what you are capable of. When you do stupid things and just have to learn through that stupidity. It has really made me think probably because I have a 13 year old daughter myself and I am glad I am reading this right now because it helps me to remember more clear how it feels to be 13, the feelings one has, the uncertainty, and the emotion. Thanks be to books that can help us relive our past and allows us to use that rememberance to help a child going through the same things. Wow I am sorry I haven't loved books more. I need to do better.

1 comment:

Teacherheart said...

Sounds like I really do need this book!

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